District Health Services
School Nurse services:
- Assess and treat students with acute illnesses or injuries (within the scope of practice)
- Coordinate and provide mandatory vision screening in targeted grades
- Serve as a resource for students and staff related to communicable disease and chronically ill students
- Coordinate care and student emergency action plans related to diabetes, seizures, asthma, allergies and use of emergency medications
- Promote health education
- Review immunization records to ensure compliance with Kentucky Immunization laws
- Administer medication per physical order in accordance to state and school policies
- Fever of 100.0 F or more orally. (99.0 F Axillary)—Generally a sign of infection and is the body’s natural defense to illness. Many illnesses present with a low-grade fever.
- An unidentified rash, especially if there are any open areas/bleeding from scratching or student also has a temperature of 100.0 or more orally—many rashes are contagious or indicate a contagious illness. The child needs to be seen by his/her healthcare provider.
- Vomiting an/or Diarrhea are generally signs of illness. The child may need to be seen by healthcare provider if no rapid improvement. (District protocols are followed for exclusion/referral)
- A persistent earache and/or is pulling at his/her ears, especially with a fever —These are generally signs of an ear infection and the child needs to be seen by his/her healthcare provider.
- Sores/Open Sores and/or crusting of the skin around the nose and mouth generally indicates a skin infection and the child needs to be seen by his/her healthcare provider.
- Extreme redness of the “whites” of the eyes; excessive tearing and itching of the eyes; yellow or green discharge in or around the eyes generally indicates an eye infection and the child needs to be seen by his/her healthcare provider or eye doctor. Kentucky Department of Education guidelines state that ALL suspected cases of conjunctivitis (pink-eye) must be referred to a healthcare provider.
- A chronic, “croupy” or “barky” cough or excessive & constant colored nasal discharge generally indicates a respiratory illness and can compromise effective breathing. The child may need to be seen by healthcare provider and will be referred by school health services.
- Signs or symptoms of the flu or other severe illness such as unusual lethargy (lifeless) or, difficulty breathing, or signs of significant pain—The child needs to see his/her physician to rule out severe illness.
Students sent home for fever, vomiting, diarrhea or other potentially contagious illness as determined by the school health unit are excused from school that day AND the day following.
All illnesses determined to be contagious by a healthcare provider must be treated with antibiotics for a minimum of 24 hours before student may return to school.
Students may not return to school or daycare until well (no fever, no vomiting, no diarrhea) without medication for a full day--unless a physician determines them not contagious and sends a note stating such to the school.
If we all follow these simple rules, we will greatly reduce the passage of infectious illness in our schools. Parents please keep in mind that during times when there are increases in contagious illness such as the flu, exclusion time from school may be extended if deemed necessary.
The Montgomery County School District is a lice free school setting.
Nursing Staff
Training : Medication Administration, Chronic Conditions and Bloodborne Pathogens and their respective assessments are all available under STAFF LINKS
- Off Campus Trips
- 09.36 AP 211
Required for Off Campus Travel
- Trip Consent Form
Teachers may copy and past information into this trip specific consent to use AFTER the initial 09.36 AP.211 is completed for their group/classroom.
- 09.36 AP 211
- Immunization Requirements
- Medication Policies and Procedures
- Emergency Information Form
- School Health Consent Form
- Medication Consent RX or OTC
also for Ibuprofen and acetaminophen
- Self Carry and Administer (non emergency meds McNabb & MCHS)
Students can carry own medication
- 09.2241
Policy and Procedures
- Individual Health Plans IHPs MUST be Completed Each School Year
- Collaboration with Sterling Health Solutions
- KDE Health Forms