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2022-2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

2022-2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results (KSA) | See All Scores

Proficient Reading:

Elementary 28% | Middle 29% | High 34%

Distinguished Reading:

Elementary 25% | Middle 15% | High 10%

Proficient Math:

Elementary 33% | Middle 24% | High 24%

Distinguished Math:

Elementary 10% | Middle 7% | High 3%

Migrant Education

What is the Migrant Education Program?
The Migrant Education Program (MEP) provides supplemental educational and support services to migratory children. The MEP assists local schools with improving and coordinating the educational continuity for the children of migratory farm workers who have had their schooling interrupted. We work in close collaboration with schools, intermediate units, and community agencies to help migratory children meet the same high standards expected of all children by coordinating and supporting services that sustain and accelerate their progress in school.

Is my child eligible for services?
Your children may qualify for the benefits of the MEP if; 

  • You have moved in the last three years (36 months) to seek work in agriculture or fishing.
  • Your children moved with you or joined you at a later date.
If you answered YES,  you may qualify for our MEP program! Please call (859) 497-8730.