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2022-2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

2022-2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results (KSA) | See All Scores

Proficient Reading:

Elementary 28% | Middle 29% | High 34%

Distinguished Reading:

Elementary 25% | Middle 15% | High 10%

Proficient Math:

Elementary 33% | Middle 24% | High 24%

Distinguished Math:

Elementary 10% | Middle 7% | High 3%


We provide safe and efficient transportation from home to school and back, and for activity trips. This task is achieved by coordination between our drivers and driver assistants and by the behind-the-scenes work of training, routing, mechanical, and safety specialists. Our bus drivers receive extensive training, their records are thoroughly checked, and all applicants are tested for drugs and alcohol use.  If you need to contact transportation, please call (859) 497-8797.