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2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results (KSA) | See All Scores

Proficient Reading:

Elementary 31% | Middle 24% | High 34%

Proficient Math:

Elementary 30% | Middle 25% | High 30%

Distinguished Reading:

Elementary 23% | Middle 22% | High 20%

Distinguished Math:

Elementary 9% | Middle 10% | High 10%


In response to the large number of snow days in recent years, the Kentucky Department of Education has authorized the Montgomery County  Schools to participate in the non-traditional instruction initiative. When winter weather (or any other condition) forces the school district to close, students can continue to learn at home and receive credit for the school day.

How will students/families be notified of NTI days?
MCS will use all the methods for communicating a TRIBE Day that are used to communicate a school day cancellation – including television news, radio, district website, and social media. Official sources include the MCS website (, Facebook (Montgomery County Schools), and Twitter (@MCSisBest)

Where can I find the NTI assignments online?
Elementary students were sent home with paper packets in November, but can also be found in the column to the right. Middle and high school students will need to sign into their Google Classroom to access assignments. Zoom sessions are available for any student that needs assistance. 
MS Zoom Schedule
HS Zoom Schedule

*NTI packets, for middle and high school students who requested them, were given out before the end of the last term.*

When will students be required to return their work for each NTI day?
We understand that school cancellations may delay our students returning to school for several consecutive days. Students will have five school days to turn in assignments for grade. The five days do not include any school cancellation days that occur between the day of the NTI assignment and the fifth in-school day. The five school days will allow students time to ask questions about the assignment and receive support in the form of ESS/tutoring and the support of any resource teachers.

What will happen if I don’t understand the assignment or if I need help?
Teachers will be required to be available for student/parent questions from 9 AM to 3 PM during a TRIBE Day. To allow for documentation of correspondence, we encourage students and families to utilize MCS e-mail for contacting teachers. Most teacher e-mails are in the form of (for example, Jane Smith would be You can also find teacher's emails in the Staff Directory. You may also contact your child's school and ask to speak to his/her teacher during the specified times.